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Computer Science - Academic Publications and Research

Publications -

1. Chaffin, A. Game2Learn: Compiler Integration into a Video Game to Increase Learning Gains in Computer Science Students. Master’s Thesis. The University of North Carolina, Charlotte. May 2009.

2. Chaffin, A., Doran, K., Hicks, D., and Barnes, T. 2009. Experimental evaluation of teaching recursion in a video game. In Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Video Games (New Orleans, Louisiana, August 04 - 06, 2009). S. N. Spencer, Ed. Sandbox '09. ACM, New York, NY, 79-86.

3. Barnes, T., E. Powell, A. Chaffin, H. Lipford. Game2Learn: Improving the engagement and motivation of CS1 students. In ACM GDCSE 2008.

4. Barnes, T., H. Richter, A. Chaffin, A. Godwin, E. Powell. (2007). Game2Learn: Building CS1 Learning Games for Retention. Accepted by ITiCSE2007, Dundee, Scotland, June 2007.

5. Barnes, T., H. Richter, A. Chaffin, A. Godwin, E. Powell, T. Ralph, P. Matthews, and H. Jordan. (2006). Game2Learn: A study of games as tools for learning introductory programming. Submitted to SIGCSE2007, Kentucky, USA, March 2006.

6. Chaffin, A. StormHaven: One Throne, One Destiny. Senior Thesis. Game2Learn. The University of North Carolina, Charlotte. May 2006.

7. Barnes, T., H. Richter, A. Chaffin, A. Godwin, E. Powell. (2006). The role of feedback in Game2Learn. Submitted to CHI2007, San Jose, CA, April 2006.

8. Chaffin, A. (2005). Game2Learn: Designing a game to teach computer science. Abstract and poster presented at the North Carolina Undergraduate Research Symposium.