1. Surreal - For Software Engineering (Graduate Course), taught by Dr. Peyton. This class required us to write a pitch document, a game design document, use cases, and the technical design document.
As of now, we have the pitch, the gdd, and the tdd finished.
- Game Pitch
- Game Design Document
- Technical Design Document
2. Scion of the Wolf - For Introduction to Game Design and Development, taught by Dr. Youngblood. The pitch was required, the game design doc was for bonus points only.
- Game Pitch
- Game Design Document
3. VoteOnline - For my software engineering course, taught by Dr. Lejk, my team and I wrote the requirements document
to move the American Electoral process online.
- Requirements Document
- Requirements Presentation
4. Technical writing - in this class, my team and I wrote the user manual for a child's toy in English and Spanish.